Youth engagement in digital health: a critical perspective towards meaningful youth agency in governance

Autor: Wong, Brian Li Han, Smith, Robert D, Siepmann, Ines, Hasse, Alexa, Tandon, Sahil
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.17285477
Popis: In recognition of a global health governance ecosystem plagued with inequities, this short commentary critically analyses the recent focus on youth ‘inclusion’ in global digital health governance and discusses potential strategies to amplify and include youth voices in accessible and meaningful ways, without museumising them. As global youth representatives and advocates with varied backgrounds and lived experiences in health and technology across the world, we are well-positioned to provide critique on how youth have been engaged thus far in digital health governance as well as provide recommendations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE