Patient Entertainment and Therapeutic System

Autor: Laurence Bradley, Iain A.M. Hennessey, David R. Powell, Nik Barnes
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: International Journal of Integrated Care, Vol 14, Iss 8 (2014)
International Journal of Integrated Care; Vol 14, International Digital Health and Care Supplement 2014
ISSN: 1568-4156
DOI: 10.5334/ijic.1797
Popis: Children represent a small but important group of patients within the NHS. Unfortunately due to this relatively small representation, they often have to "make do" with systems adapted from adult versions. A particular area of importance in paediatrics is the ability to keep children, siblings and parents happy and well informed during their hospital stay. At what can be an emotional and difficult time. With this in mind we set out to develop a custom designed patient entertainment and therapeutic system (PETS) for use in a paediatric setting. Given our inexperience in software design, programming and technological innovation we sought a commercial strategic partner to help realise these aspirations. Through a competitive tender process we selected British Telecom (BT) as our strategic partner. Following an initial consultation period we engaged with BTs' innovation program to develop this software. We appointed a clinical lead for innovation with 4 sessions dedicated to this project, supplemented by project management, information technology and corporate support. By providing ample time for effective liason between our institution and BT we quickly developed an effective working partnership to develop innovative IT solutions. During a three day innovation hothouse arranged by BT we assembled over 60 clinical, support, managerial, game development, marketing, charity and venture capital staff in association with children and parents to create a wireframe model of our envisaged system. Separating into 6 work streams we went on to develop modular components to cover the following areas 1) Creating a virtual hospital world 2) Patient information, consent and processing 3) Capturing patient experiences and journeys 4) Emotional support 4) Patient therapy and distraction and 6) Serious games for patient education. We are now actively engaging with multiple partners to help fund and develop this concept software into a fully functioning system, designed with children in mind. International Journal of Integrated Care – Volume 14, 01 November – URN:NBN:NL:UI:10-1-116476– International Digital Health and Care Congress, The King’s Fund, London, September 10-12 2014. Embarking on a strategic partnership with a large multinational company has been a novel and productive arrangement. A model which we feel should be encouraged within the NHS to help realise aspirational objectives and ideals.
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