DR 4.4: Natural Multimodal Interaction Final Pro- totype

Autor: Kiefer, Bernd, Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana, Welker, Anna, Rifca Peters, McLeod, Sarah
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3443670
Popis: The present report describes the work carried out in the fourth project yearregarding Natural Multimodal Interaction. It summarises the DeliverableD4.4: \Natural multimodal interaction nal prototype".Most eorts in year 4 are targeted towards the nal integrated system forthe experiments over an extended time range. New activities and moduleshave been added, many already existing ones been extended, most of theseadditions or extensions also affecting in some way or other the multimodal interaction. The dialogue policies and the linguistic resources have beenadapted accordingly.In addition, some new functionalities were at the core of human-systeminteraction, namely a new module for rst time use of the system, and an integrated Off-Activity-Talk prototype, consisting of robot self disclosureand a social talk part. The Episodic Memory has been extended, and interaction modules forthe following activities have been added: Standalone Break & Sort, newDance activity, the so-called Tip of the Day and the Task Suggestions, andfor the Explainable AI module. Furthermore, support for an experiment with different interaction styles,using modulated gestures, has been added, and the VOnDA compiler andrun-time system has been heavily improved. Version 2.0 of the frameworkhas been released on GitHub. For less experienced users, a graphical editorand compiler for hierarchical state machines has been implemented and isnow ready for use.
Databáze: OpenAIRE