Towards a better integration of health in urban development project: from theory to action

Autor: Julie Romagon, M-F. Thomas, Bob Clément, C Nassiet, Clément Deloly, A Roue-Le Gall
Přispěvatelé: Centre de Recherches sur l'Action Politique en Europe (ARENES), Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Institut d'Études Politiques [IEP] - Rennes-École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP), Institut de recherche en santé, environnement et travail (Irset), Université d'Angers (UA)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ), Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique )-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université d'Angers (UA), Université de Rennes (UR)-Institut d'Études Politiques [IEP] - Rennes-École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université d'Angers (UA)-Université de Rennes (UR)-École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique )
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: European Journal of Public Health
European Journal of Public Health, Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy B-Oxford Open Option D, 2019, 29 (Supplement_4), ⟨10.1093/eurpub/ckz186.252⟩
European Journal of Public Health, 2019, 29 (Supplement_4), ⟨10.1093/eurpub/ckz186.252⟩
ISSN: 1101-1262
Popis: Background Despite a well knowledge about links between urban planning and health, practices’ analyze highlights the difficulty to upgrade health into urban planning decisions. To overcome this issue, the EHESP has initiated a specific research dedicated to the development of tools for a better integration of health & wellbeing at different decision-making-level (urban planning & urban development project). The objective of this presentation is to focus on one dedicated research, Isadora project, and to share how the project was carried out to enable the production of an operational tool dedicated to urban planners to better integrate health issues into their practices. Methods The scientific management team mixed various skills from public health, environment and urban planning sectors which makes easier the implementation of two key-principles of research: (i) to adopt a systemic approach to health determinants, (ii) to address urban settings through an integrated approach to public health, environment and sustainable development issues. The implementation of this interdisciplinary and intersectorial project is based on a close collaboration with a national working group composed of various professionals and academics (urban planning, environment, and health). The Isadora project deliverables results from an iterative process between all the stakeholders involved in the project. Results and conclusions First, we will present how we facilitated the working group throughout the deliverables development process and how we overcame the challenges of implementing intersectorality. Then, we will present the operational tool structured around of 15 key sheets with health focus to help professionals to integrate health at each step of an urban development project. Key messages ISadOrA project aspires to promote an evolution of urban planner’s practices in order to achieve a healthy urban development project. This ambition requires the translation of concepts into actions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE