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Additional file 1: Figure S1.The water content (a), osmotic potential (b) and relative membrane permeability(c) of leaves in Z. xanthoxylum under control and heat treatments for 10 days(6 h/d). Values in (a-c) are mean ± SE (n = 5). Asterisks indicate significantdifferences in comparison with control (25°C) (* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01,*** P < 0.001, Student’s t-test). Figure S2. Functional annotation of the assembled transcriptome. (a) Lengthdistribution of all assembled unigenes; (b) Map of GO functional categories; (c) Map of KOG function classifications. Figure S3. Number of DEGs in leaves (a) and roots (b) of Z. xanthoxylum under heat treatments. Figure S4. Enriched GO terms for DEGs in leaves of Z. xanthoxylum at 40°C (a, c) and 45°C (b, d) for 0.5 h (a, b) and 6 h (c, d). Figure S5. Enriched GO terms for DEGs in roots of Z. xanthoxylum at 40°C (a, c) and 45°C(b, d) for 0.5 h (a, b) and 6 h (c, d). Figure S6. Enriched KEGG terms for DEGs in leaves of Z. xanthoxylum at 40°C (a, c) and 45°C (b, d) for 0.5 h (a, b) and 6 h (c, d). Figure S7. Enriched KEGG terms for DEGs in roots of Z. xanthoxylumat 40°C (a, c) and 45°C (c, d) for 0.5 h (a, b) and 6 h (b, d). Figure S8. Correlation analysis for 20 selected DEGs betweenRNA-seq and RT-qPCR results in leaves (a-d) and roots (e-h) of Z. xanthoxylum under heat treatments. |