Sex-related differences in procarbazine-induced cleft palate and microgenia and the anti-teratogenic effect of prenatal folic acid supplementation in rats

Autor: J. Fanghänel, K.-U. Möritz, F.A. Malek, V. Bienengräber
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Annals of anatomy = Anatomischer Anzeiger : official organ of the Anatomische Gesellschaft. 185(5)
ISSN: 0940-9602
Popis: Sex-related differences in the frequency of cleft palates and microgenia in rat fetuses prenatally treated with procarbazine (200 mg/kg on day 14 of gestation (GD14), group 1), and the anti-teratogenic effect of prenatal folic acid supplementation (4 mg/kg on GD14 through GD17, group 2) were studied in LEW.1A rats. In group 1, complete clefts were observed in 69% of the male and in 36% of the female fetuses while incomplete clefts (present only in the hard palate) were exhibited by 31% of the males and 43% of the females. Microgenia occurred in all males but only in 64% of the female fetuses. In group 2, the prenatal folic acid supplementation significantly reduced the occurrence frequency of complete clefts to 9% in males and to 0% in females. In contrast, incomplete clefts increased to 82% in males and 91% in females. Microgenias were reduced to 73% and 57% in male and female fetuses, respectively. Since incomplete clefts present in the hard palate are assumed to be residues of spontaneous intra-uterine repair processes of exogenously induced complete palatal clefts, we conclude that prenatal supplementation with folic acid at a dose of 4 mg/kg promotes the intra-uterine repair of cleft palates and offers a partial protection against procarbazine teratogenicity. Furthermore, it is deduced that gender-specific differences exist in the susceptibility to procarbazine and in the anti-teratogenic effect of folic acid on procarbazine-induced microgenia.
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