Chemodiversity of Cirsium fruits: Antiproliferative lignans, neolignans and sesquineolignans as chemotaxonomic markers

Autor: Imre Boldizsár, Moritz Zürn, Rita Könye, Kornélia Baghy, Ibolya Molnár-Perl, Béla Noszál, Szabolcs Béni, Anna Sólyomváry, Gergő Tóth, Zsolt Mervai, Ilona Kovalszky, Peter Horvath
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Fitoterapia. 127:413-419
ISSN: 0367-326X
Popis: While analyzing the fruit composition of nine European Cirsium species representing three sections (i.e., Cephalonoplos, Chamaeleon and Eriolepis), four lignans, three neolignans and three sesquineolignans were determined and used as chemotaxonomic markers. Among them, desmethyl balanophonin and desmethyl picrasmalignan were determined for the first time in the plant kingdom, as the main metabolites of the Chamaeleon section. Prebalanophonin and prepicrasmalignan, identified so far exclusively in C. eriophorum, were also confirmed in C. boujartii and C. vulgare, highlighting the chemotaxonomic significance of these compounds in the Eriolepis section. The antiproliferative assay of the compounds isolated from their optimum sources, confirmed a dose-dependent inhibitory effect of the structures bearing the 4',7-epoxy moiety (balanophonin, picrasmalignan, desmethyl balanophonin, desmethyl picrasmalignan) against SW480 colon cancer cells, while those bearing the 4',7-dihydroxy motif (prebalanophonin, prepicrasmalignan) were inactive.
Databáze: OpenAIRE