Cumhuriyetin Kuruluşundan Günümüze Vakıf Taşınmazlarının Mekânsal Dönüşüm Süreçleri: Ankara Örneği

Autor: Zafer Aksoy, Çiğdem Varol
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Vakıflar Dergisi.
ISSN: 1011-7474
DOI: 10.16971/vd.96911
Popis: The pious foundation which is established by the idea of gratuitous aid in various societies throughout history has gained a different dimension in Turkish culture and tradition and has become a vital component until the 20th century in the Anatolian geography. Many of the basic public services that are carried out by local and central government have been provided by this institution for centuries. Thousands of structured and unstructured properties of the pious foundations that are consecrated for various aims have become the driving forces of spatial development of the same geography. The purpose of this study is to explicate the transformation process of the Turkish pious foundation properties during the Republican history with its space and policy dimensions, both in Turkey in a general sense and deeply in Capital Ankara in the local scale. In the historical process, it is observed that while the pious foundation properties had been used for providing mainly the public services of the societies before the establishment of the Republic, they acted as crucial actors in the urban development of the new Capital in the early periods of the Republic. Currently, they have been faced with a new dimension of transformation with the effect of the property evaluation policies of the General Directorate of Foundations. Keywords: Pious foundation, immovable properties of pious foundations, spatial transformation, Ankara. Oz Tarih boyunca cesitli toplumlarda ayni dusunce temelinde kurulup gelisen ve karsiliksiz yardim esasina dayanan vakif kurumu, Turk kultur ve geleneginde farkli boyutlar kazanmis, 20. Yuzyila kadar olan surecte Anadolu cografyasinin vazgecilmez unsuru olmustur. Turkiye’de bugun merkezi ve yerel yonetimlerce yurutulmeye calisilan temel kamu hizmetlerinin pek cogu, asirlar boyunca bu kurum tarafindan saglanmistir. Gerek bu hizmetlerin yurutulmesi, gerekse daha baska amaclarla vakfedilen yapili/yapisiz binlerce tasinmaz, ayni cografyadaki mekânsal gelismenin itici gucunu olusturmustur. Bu calismanin amaci, Turk vakiflarinin mekân boyutunu olusturan soz konusu tasinmazlarin Cumhuriyet tarihi boyunca gecirdigi donusum surecinin, ust olcekte tum Turkiye’de alt olcekte ise Baskent Ankara ozelinde politika ve mekân boyutuyla irdelenmesidir. Tarihsel surecte, vakif tasinmazlari Cumhuriyet oncesi donemde temel olarak kamu hizmetlerinin saglanmasinda kullanilirken, erken Cumhuriyet doneminde yeni Baskent ’in kentsel gelisimindeki en onemli aktoru olmustur. Gunumuzde ise Vakiflar Genel Mudurlugu’nun tasinmaz degerlendirme politikalarinin etkisiyle yeni bir donusum surecine girmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Vakif, vakif tasinmazlari, mekânsal donusum, Ankara.
Databáze: OpenAIRE