Four-year dynamic of potassium on two sites interpreted by different soil tests

Autor: Domagoj Rastija, Krunoslav Karalić, Bojana Teodorović, Meri Engler, Brigita Popović, Zdenko Lončarić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: Three soil–potassium (K) tests were compared using soil and plant samples collected during fertilization and liming experiments in Croatia on very acid dystric luvisol and slightly alkaline calcaric regosol. Soil samples were analyzed for pHKCl, pHH2O, organic matter, and ammonium lactate (AL, pH 3.75)–extracted phosphorus (P) and K. In addition, K was extracted with ammonium acetate (AA, pH 7) and with ammonium acetate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (AAEDTA, pH 4.6). In spring 2003, the dystric luvisol was limed with 0, 10, or 20 t ha‐1 carbocalk (by‐product at sugar beet processing, effective neutralizing value 69.1%). During the next four seasons, four different crops were grown without fertilization, with standard fertilization, and with doubled P amounts. All three soil K tests showed highly significant correlations of fertilization impact on extractable soil K and can be efficiently used for fertilizer recommendations. Balance calculation is closer to results of extractable K on fertilized plots th...
Databáze: OpenAIRE