Experimental Study of 1.55- $\mu$ m EML-Based Optical IM/DD PAM-4/8 Short Reach Systems

Autor: Gunnar Jacobsen, Simone Gaiarin, Urban Westergren, Aditya Kakkar, Miguel Iglesias Olmedo, Xiaodan Pang, Sergei Popov, Oskars Ozolins, Richard Schatz, Darko Zibar, Aleksejs Udalcovs, Jaime Rodrigo Navarro
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Pang, X, Ozolins, O, Gaiarin, S, Kakkar, A, Rodrigo Navarro, J, Iglesias Olmedo, M, Schatz, R, Udalcovs, A, Westergren, U, Zibar, D, Popov, S & Jacobsen, G 2017, ' Experimental Study of 1.55-μm EML-Based Optical IM/DD PAM-4/8 Short Reach Systems ', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 523-6 . https://doi.org/10.1109/LPT.2017.2662948
ISSN: 1941-0174
Popis: We experimentally evaluate high-speed intensity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD) transmissions with a 1.55- $\mu \text{m}$ broadband electro-absorption modulated laser and pulse amplitude modulations (PAM). We demonstrate 80 Gb/s/ $\lambda $ PAM-4 and 96 Gb/s/ $\lambda $ PAM-8 transmissions with low-complexity digital equalizers at the receiver. Performance comparison with different types of equalizers are performed, including linear symbol-spaced feed-forward equalizer (FFE), fractional (half-symbol) spaced FFE and decision feedback equalizer (DFE), with different tap number. It is found that for both cases, a 6-tap symbol-spaced FFE is sufficient to achieve a stable performance with bit-error-rate below the 7% overhead hard decision forward error correction (7%-OH HD-FEC) threshold over a 4 km standard single mode fiber link. Practical considerations including comparison between adaptive and static equalizer implementation and tolerable fiber chromatic dispersion are discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE