Roots and tradition of the assumptionist education

Autor: Danguolė Gervytė, Artūras Lukaševičius
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Soter : religijos mokslo žurnalas, Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2014, 50, p. 141-153
Soter, ISSN 1392-7450, 2014, [Nr.] 50(78), p. 141-153
Soter 2014, 50 (78), p. 141-153.
ISSN: 2335-8785
DOI: 10.7220/1392-7450.50(78).9
Popis: Straipsnyje, pasitelkus archyvinę medžiagą ir mokslinius šaltinius, tiriamos asumpcionistinio ugdymo ištakos, nurodomi istoriniai šios tradicijos bruožai. Asumpcionistinio ugdymo formavimuisi įtakos turėjo trys pagrindiniai veiksniai: 1) asumpcionisčių kongregacijos įkūrėjos šv. Marijos Eugenijos (Anne-Eugénie Milleret de Brou) asmeninė edukacinė ir tikėjimo patirtis; 2) 1841 m. Paryžiuje įkurtos pirmosios asumpcionistinės mokyklos ugdymo praktika; 3) 1842 m. šv. Marijos Eugenijos parašyti „Patarimai apie ugdymą“. Remiantis šiais veiksniais išskiriami tradiciniai asumpcionistinio ugdymo dėmenys. The research field of this article has been little analysed. The assumptionist education has its roots in the 19th century France, and nowadays is implemented in many parts of the world, including Lithuania. The aim of the article is to analyse the sources of the assumptionist education and its tradition. To achieve this aim, following goals are pursued: 1) to discuss the conditions and premises that influenced the creation of Assumption schools based on the archive material and the biography of Marie Eugenie Milleret; 2) to reconstruct the process of organising the first Assumption school in Paris in 1841 and the educational work that was done in it based on the archive material; 3) to reveal essential historical characteristics of this tradition based on the analysis of the “Counsels on education” written by Marie Eugenie Milleret. In order to fulfil these goals, the article analyses scientific literature on the Assumptionist education and the archive material. The historical-theological approach proposed by G. Groppo (1991) was chosen. It claims that an education tradition is born from personal and communal faith experience and gets its shape in relation to the historical context. Religious education, as a reference point of any Catholic educational paradigm, is an integral part of global education. The research reveals that: 1. Marie Eugenie Milleret’s, the foundress of the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption, personal faith experience had a decisive role in... [to full text]
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