Vegetative propagation technologies using stem and root cuttings of Paulownia (P. fortunei and P. elongata) tree species for mass production | JBES 2021

Autor: Antwi-Wiredu, Anthony, Gakpetor, Patience Mansa, Guuroh, Reginald Tang, Ofori, Ebenezer, Ofori, Daniel Aninagyei
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6905479
Popis: Paulownia is a multipurpose tree with high-quality wood features including machining qualities, rot resistance, fast growth, a good tree form, high yield, light wood weight and good potential for plantation and agroforestry. In 2012, Paulownia was introduced into Ghana under the FC/Industry plantations project for field trials at Asenanyo and Pra-Anum Forest Reserves. Recent field assessment depicted their inability to produce viable seeds for propagation. Thus, vegetative propagation techniques were investigated to possibly produce high-quality planting materials for large scale Paulownia (P. elongata and P. fortunei) plantations. Root and stem plant materials were collected from Pra-Anum Forest Reserve. They were treated with 0.0% (control), 0.1%, and 0.3% Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) levels and planted in polyethylene bags filled with loamy soils and kept under shade. Root cuttings were planted horizontally in a 2×3 factorial design with 10 cuttings per treatment replicated 4 times. Stem (bi-nodal leafless hardwood) cuttings were vertically planted in 2×4 factorial design, 10 cuttings per treatment at 3 replications. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used. The root cuttings of both species survived irrespective of IBA levels. A significant variation (P≤0.05) was observed in the survival rate (over 75%), sprouting and rooting abilities. The stem cuttings were not successful, though, they developed shoots and leaves at the initial stages. In conclusion, vegetative propagation of Paulownia particularly, root cutting is possible for the multiplication of planting materials for plantation establishment. It is ill-advised to use lignified brown stem/ hardwood cuttings for the propagation of Paulownia. Published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES
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