Korelacija i timski rad u nastavi – holistički pristup učenju i poučavanju

Autor: Jasmina Vrkić Dimić, Sandra Vidić
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Acta Iadertina. 12
ISSN: 1849-1243
DOI: 10.15291/ai.1292
Popis: This paper provides the theoretical and empirical analysis of unjustifiably neglected topic byour researchers, but at the same time exceptionally current problem of correlation and teamwork in the class as elementary prepositions for reaching holism in learning and teaching.Through emphasizing holistic approach intersected with contemporary constructivist notion ofteaching process, this paper analyses importance, types, contributions, and requirements andbasic presumptions for quality conducting correlation and team work in the class. Empiricalanalysis of elementary and secondary school teachers’ opinions (group of examinees from 10urban and rural schools in County of Zadar: 5 elementary + 5 secondary schools; N = 106)includes establishing manifesting forms of correlations in the teaching practice and determiningits frequency, establishing adequacy and sufficiency of teaching competences for deductingcorrelations constructed within different educational/learning contexts (formal, non-formal,informal) along with the analysing correlations’ contribution to the quality of teaching, as wellas teachers’ suggestions about possible ways of improving its implementation. Furthermore, thispaper defines the frequency of carrying out team work in the class, the initiators of its planningand realization, practical contributions of that kind of work and teachers’ suggestions aboutits possible improvement. Based on the indicators of the basic descriptive statistics, the data iscomparatively analysed and additionally commented, and with the qualitative analysis of thedata from teachers’ opinions about the contribution and possible ways of improving constructingcorrelations and team work, the rounded picture of examined problematic is procured. Thereby,this paper represents theoretical and empirical contribution to the research of holistic approachto teaching process through constructing correlations and team work in the class. Even thoughteachers are aware of their multiple positive contributions to the teaching quality, the resultshave shown insufficient representation of those kinds of work in the teaching practice, as well aspossible causes of that state: insufficient and inadequate teachers’ qualifications, non-stimulatingenvironment, insufficient cooperation among teachers, inadequacy of current teaching lessonplans and programs and schools’ curriculums, along with the school architecture and time-tables.Acknowledging teachers’ suggestions could contribute to surpassing existing obstacles and to theimprovement of constructing correlation and team work in the class as means of special valueand roads to integrative, holistic learning and teaching.
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