Cyclolabus gracilicornis subsp. gracilicornis

Autor: Dal Pos, Davide, Heilman, Victoria, Welter-Schultes, Francisco
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7397645
Popis: Cyclolabus gracilicornis gracilicornis (Provancher, 1886) (Figures 13, 14) Phygadeuon gracilicornis Provancher, 1886: 56 (descr., key); Cresson 1887: 194 (cat.); Gahan and Rohwer 1918b: 136 (lectotype designation). Herpistomus [sic] gracilicornis Davis 1895: 287 (incorrect subsequent spelling of genus, notes). Herpestomus gracilicornis Dalla Torre 1902: 764 (cat.). Ectopius gracilicornis Townes 1944: 315 (cat.); Townes and Townes 1951: 281 (distr., cat.). Cyclolabus gracilicornis gracilicornis Heinrich 1962b: 763 (descr., distr., neallotype designation, key); Heinrich 1975: 779 (distr.); Barron 1975: 478 (invalid lectotype designation, notes); Bradley 1978: 3 (distr., host); Carlson 1979: 543 (cat., distr.); Sarazin 1987: 55 (cat.); Yu and Horstmann 1997: 675 (cat.); Yu et al. 2016 (cat.). Original type series Lectotype ♀, designated by Gahan and Rohwer (1918b, p. 136) (CNCI). Provancher (1886, p. 56) described Phygadeuon gracilicornis from ‘Ottawa (Harrington) [= collected by Harrington]’ without specifying the number of female specimens included in the description. Gahan and Rohwer (1918b, p. 136) designated a lectotype, addressing it as ‘Type– Female, Harrington Coll. Left antenna broken’. Subsequently, Heinrich (1962b, p. 763) incorrectly employed the term ‘Holotypus’ for a female specimen from ‘ Ontario (Ottawa). C.N.C’. Barron (1975, p. 478) designated a lectotype, arguing that both Gahan and Rohwer’s (1918b) and Heinrich’s (1962b) actions did not constitute valid lectotype designations since the authors ‘did not specify a particular specimen’. Barron’s (1975) observations appear to be wrong. Not being able to recognise the specimen in the collection does not invalidate the designation (ICZN 1999, Article 74.1.1). Gahan and Rohwer’s (1918b, p. 136) designation is valid and Barron’s (1975) invalid. Heinrich (1962b, p. 763), on the other hand, was relatively more specific in referring to a female specimen housed at the CNCI. However, his employment of the term ‘holotypus’ was in error. Therefore, the valid lectotype designation is the one established by Gahan and Rohwer (1918b, p. 136), while Barron’s (1975, p. 478) designation should be considered invalid. Type locality Canada, Ottawa. No type locality is given on the lectotype labels, but the species has been described from Ottawa in the Harrington collection, now housed at CNCI. Type specimens examined (Figure 13) Lectotype. ‘[Red Label] TYPE/ Phygadeuon / gracilicornis /No. 58 Pr. // [Pink Label] P. 400 // [Yellow Label] 400/ Phygadeuon / gracilicornis ♀ / Prov./ = Herpestomus /G.C.P. // [Red Label] LECTOTYPE / Phygadeuon /gracili-/cornis/ PROVANCHER/[Written vertically on right side] Comeau/ Apr. 1940 // LECTOTYPE PHYGADEUON / GRACILICORNIS / Provancher P.400/ [Strikethrough] Gahan & Rohwer’15/Barron’71 // [White Label with blue contour] CNC/ 988670’ (CNCI) (images examined). Material examined CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA: Victoria Co., Baddeck, Beinn Bhreagh, Insect flight trap, 01–02 July 1977, leg. G.B. Fairchild, 1♂ (FSCA); idem, Highland Road, Mile 15, Insect Flight Trap, 04 August 1977, leg. G.B. Fairchild, 1♀ (FSCA). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NEW YORK: Westchester Co., Armonk, Calder Center, Malaise trap, leg. C. Calmbacher, 12–18 July 1974, 1♀ (FSCA). Updated distribution (Figure 11a) CANADA: British Columbia (Bradley 1978); Newfoundland and Labrador (Heinrich 1962b; Bradley 1978; Heinrich 1975), Nova Scotia (new province record), Ontario (Provancher 1886; Bradley 1978), Québec (Bradley 1978). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Maine (Heinrich 1962b), Michigan (Carlson 1979), New Hampshire (Heinrich 1962b), New York (Heinrich 1962b), North Carolina (Heinrich 1962b). Host Cladara limitaria nigroangulata Strecker, Eupithecia ornata Hulst (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) (Bradley 1978). Male The first description of a male was provided by Heinrich (1962b, p. 763), who referred to the specimen as the neallotype. Comments Davis (1895, p. 285) provides a new combination of this species under the generic name ‘ Herpistomus ’. We are not aware of Provancher having used the name Herpistomus for a genus in ichneumonids, and all other circumstances suggest that Berthoumieu must have had Herpestomus in mind. Therefore, and in agreement with Townes (1944, p. 315), we regard Herpistomus as an incorrect subsequent spelling of Herpestomus Wesmael, 1845 (ICZN 1999, Article 33.3). Following Heinrich (1959, p. 216), Probolus subdentatus Ashmead, 1902 is treated as a subspecies of Cyclolabus gracilicornis. This subspecies has a northern distribution but has been recorded by Heinrich (1962b) for North Carolina without any other information on the specificity of the record. Carlson (1979) reported the species for Michigan, but Yu et al. (2016) did not record it for the state. There is another subspecies, Cyclolabus gracilicornis subdentatus (Ashmead, 1902), within North America, but it does not occur in the south-east of the United States (Heinrich 1962b, p. 763).
Published as part of Dal Pos, Davide, Heilman, Victoria & Welter-Schultes, Francisco, 2022, Platylabini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) of the south-eastern United States: new distributional data, taxonomic notes, illustrated keys, and an annotated catalogue of the genera and species, pp. 1869-1938 in Journal of Natural History 56 on pages 1888-1892, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2022.2134061,
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