The extracellular matrix architecture relating to myotendinous pattern formation in the distal part of the developing chick limb: An ultrastructural, histochemical and immunocytochemical analysis

Autor: Maria A. Ros, J.M. Genis-Galvez, Juan M. Hurle, J. R. Hinchliffe, M. A. Critchlow
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Cell Differentiation and Development. 27:103-120
ISSN: 0922-3371
DOI: 10.1016/0922-3371(89)90740-5
Popis: In the later developmental stages (Hamburger and Hamilton, 25–34) the distal part of the chick leg possesses a distinctive extracellular matrix (ECM) architecture which relates to myotendinous patterning. There are two components: firstly, a system of dorsoventrally oriented fibrils which link the two ectodermal surfaces through the undifferentiated distal mesenchyme and secondly, a ‘mesenchyme lamina’ originates at the basement membrane distally, but proximally runs through the mesoderm, subjacent and parallel to the basement membrane. The ‘mesenchyme lamina’ appears to be a precursor of developing tendons and is spatially related to the distal tips of the myogenic blocks. As developing tendons form on the inner surface of the lamina at its proximal end, it becomes less distinct and disappears. Further dorsoventral fibrils run from the ‘mesenchyme lamina’ into the developing condensations and chondrogenic elements of the phalanges. The architecture of the ECM was revealed by silver and lectin staining (peanut and Ricinus communis agglutinins, PNA and RCA I), by immunocytochemistry (for fibronectin, tenascin, collagen type I) and by ultrastructural analysis. Both components stain with silver, PNA following neuraminidase digestion, RCA I, tenascin and collagen type I. However, the dorsoventral fibrils are positive for fibronectin and negative for PNA, while conversely the mesenchyme lamina is positive for PNA but much less so for fibronectin. Tenascin has been shown to be a specialized mesenchyme component of tendons and myotendinous junctions (Chiquet and Fambrough, 1984). Such a basement membrane forming a ‘mesenchyme lamina’ appears to be unique in epithelialmesenchymal developing systems and points to an ectodermal role in tendon pattern formation within the mesenchyme. We discuss the possible role of mechanical force in converting the dorsoventral tenascin-positive fibrils into the localized pattern of tendon insertions into the proximal parts of the phalanges. Distally the dorsoventral fibrils may shape the digital plate by pulling together the two ectodermal surfaces. A similar ECM architecture is found in corresponding stages in the developing wing.
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