Development of frequency-dependent ocean wave directional distributions

Autor: Harald E. Krogstad, Abushet Simanesew, José Carlos Nieto Borge, Karsten Trulsen
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Applied Ocean Research
ISSN: 0141-1187
Popis: The paper discusses the development of a frequency dependent directional spread from an initial condition of frequency-independence. The study applies basin directional measurements from the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN), simulated data from a nonlinear wave equation, and field measurements from the Ekofisk field. The basin experiments and numerical simulations are initialized with a JONSWAP spectrum with frequency-independent directional distributions. In both cases we observe the development of a strong frequency-dependence of the directional spread. The numerical simulations suggest that static nonlinear contributions to the surface elevation partially explain the behavior below the spectral peak in accordance with [1]. There are also dynamic nonlinear contributions on both sides of the spectral peak. © 2016. This is the authors’ accepted and refereed manuscript to the article. Locked until 15.7.2018 due to copyright restrictions. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
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