Immobilization of polyethylene oxide surfactants for non-fouling biomaterial surfaces using an argon glow discharge treatment

Autor: Sheu, M. S., Hoffman, A. S., Ratner, B. D., Feijen, J., Harris, J. M.
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Journal of adhesion science and technology, 7(10), 1065-1076. Taylor & Francis
ISSN: 1568-5616
Popis: A non-fouling (protein-resistant) polymer surface is achieved by the covalent immobilization of polyethylene oxide (PEO) surfactants using an inert gas discharge treatment. Treated surfaces have been characterized using electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), static secondary ion mass spectrometry (SSIMS), water contact angle measurement, fibrinogen adsorption, and platelet adhesion. This paper is intended to review our recent work in using this simple surface modification process to obtain wettable polymer surfaces in general, and non-fouling biomaterial surfaces in particular.
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