Artificial Neural Network enabling Clinically Meaningful Biological Image Data Generation

Autor: Soonkyum Kim, YaeJun Baik, SeungBeum Suh, Junhyoung Ha, Woosub Lee, Dohee Lee
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: EMBC
DOI: 10.1109/embc44109.2020.9176621
Popis: Biological experiments for developing efficient cancer therapeutics require significant resources of time and costs particularly in acquiring biological image data. Thanks to recent advances in AI technologies, there have been active researches in generating realistic images by adapting artificial neural networks. Along the same lines, this paper proposes a learning-based method to generate images inheriting biological characteristics. Through a statistical comparison of tumor penetration metrics between generated images and real images, we have shown that forged micrograph images contain vital characteristics to analyze tumor penetration performance of infecting agents, which opens up the promising possibilities for utilizing proposed methods for generating clinically meaningful image data.
Databáze: OpenAIRE