Stump sprouts as sources of cutting production for the vegetative propagation of the threatened African wildolive (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata)

Autor: L. Negash, C.H. Bornman
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: South African Journal of Botany. 70(1):24-30
ISSN: 0254-6299
DOI: 10.1016/s0254-6299(15)30264-7
Popis: Stump sprouts in Olea europaea L. subsp. cuspidata [(Wall. ex DC.) Ciffieri (syn. Olea africana Mill.)] were initiated by pruning back 4-year-old, 6-year-old and 12- year-old trees to a height of 25cm from the ground. Additionally, specimens from 4-year-old trees were pruned back to heights of 120cm and 80cm from the ground. Leafy cuttings (with total leaf area, cutting length and cutting basal diameter reduced to 15−29cm, 8−13cm and 2−3mm per individual cutting, respectively) were harvested from 14-week-old to 15-week-old sprouts. Rooting competence of sprouts from trees differing in age was compared by treating basal ends of cuttings with 30μl of indolebutyric acid (IBA) per cutting. Experiments were conducted in two separate propagators (two replicates), with 60−70 cuttings per replicate. Cuttings derived from 4-year-old and 6-year-old stocktree sprouts rooted significantly (P < 0.01) better than those from 12-year-old stocktree sprouts. Initial rooting of cuttings derived from first-round sprouts of 4- year-old trees was relatively faster than in those from the second-round sprouts, but the difference in the final rooting was not significant. Branch cuttings derived from intact, 4-year-old trees (average height = 230cm), and sprouts derived from stems pruned back to 120cm and 80cm, resulted in percentage rooting of 11, 14 and 20, respectively. In contrast, up to 90% rooting was obtained for sprouts derived from severely pruned trees (average stump height = 25cm). Rooting responses of proximal and distal branch parts derived from 7-monthold to 8-month-old stecklings (plants derived from rooted cuttings) were different crooting better than the distal ones. Overall rooting capacity of cuttings derived from seedlings and stecklings of comparable age was the same. The study found that growth of stecklings derived from IBA-treated cuttings was significantly (P < 0.01) better than those from the control, but there was no significant difference among plants derived from the 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% or 0.4% IBA-treated cuttings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE