Autor: Kerimova G., Bagirov A., Huseynova Çh.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7270441
Popis: Occlusal disorders are of great importance in the etiology and pathogenesis of the TMJ dysfunction syndrome[1]. Stabilizing factors next to the intraarticular disc, ligamentous-capsular apparatus, muscular corset is occlusion - multiple, symmetrical, point fissure-tuberous closure of the dentition[2]. Therefore, any violation of functional occlusion can lead to negative changes in the functional state of masticatory muscles, dispositions of the lower jaw, disorders of intra-articular relationships and anatomical safety of its elements [3.4]. It is obvious that the combination of endocrine and psycho-emotional pathologies that affect the level of adaptive capabilities of the body to adverse conditions, violations of functional occlusion are the trigger for the development of the pain syndrome. Treatment of patients with TMJ dysfunction should be comprehensive, phased and include drug therapy, physiotherapy, orthopedic methods: treatment with caps, selective grinding of teeth, rational prosthetics[5].
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