Uma Estratégia de Acesso a Conteúdos Educacionais Embarcados em Transporte Público de Massa com Bus-Learning

Autor: Santos, Robson da Silva, Martins, Joberto S B
Rok vydání: 2012
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3359938
Popis: Distance Learning, Lifelong Learning (LLL), E-Learning, Continuous Education and Mobile Learning (M-Learning) are new educational strategies which, under the learner and teacher perspectives, look for providing both technological and pedagogical approaches towards the realization and improvement of the learning process in actual scenarios in which actors and educational resources are potentially highly distributed in space and time. Some new technological solutions are enablers that support these learning strategies and, potentially, make use of new paradigms like mobility, ubiquity, pervasive computing, high capacity broadband access and low cost wireless technologies, among others. This paper proposes a specific architecture and technology setup for educational content distribution in public transportation buses, briefly referred as “Bus-Learning”. The solution is intended to support a mobile learning approach (M-Learning) and is based on Bluetooth, electronic automated bus billing systems and bus-TV infrastructure which are becoming highly available in public mass transportation systems in cities due to the increasingly pervasive aspect of technology penetration in our societies. The main objective is to support a specific group and type of mobile users in accessing educational content with low cost, enhanced ergonomics and some additional advantages in relation to some \textit{M-Learning} approaches that are typically based on tablets, handheld computers and other sophisticated appliances requiring near-continuous broadband network access. The paper presents the mobile Bus-Learning scenario, the architecture, the implementation and discusses aspects related to the use of this technology support in distance learning.
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