Evolutionsbiologie im Biologieunterricht der SBZ/DDR für die 8. Klasse. Methoden und Ergebnisse einer Dokumentenanalyse

Autor: Porges, Karl
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Knecht, Petr [Hrsg.]; Matthes, Eva [Hrsg.]; Schütze, Sylvia [Hrsg.]; Aamotsbakken, Bente [Hrsg.]: Methodologie und Methoden der Schulbuch-und Lehrmittelforschung. Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2014, S. 162-174.-(Beiträge zur historischen und systematischen Schulbuchforschung)
Popis: The scientific and public discussions over the last 200 years were, amongst others, shaped by findings from the field of evolutionary biology. Back in 1877, when Ernst Haeckel asked for the inclusion of evolutionary biology into class, he was met with fierce resistance (cp. Hoßfeld 2010, p. 56). As Lässig (cp. 2010, p. 199) argues, knowledge is socially shaped. The aim of this study is to reveal the development of the significance as well as the presentation of evolutionary biological contents in biology class within the SOZ/GDR and to embed it into the context of the respective prevailing political and social developments. Relevant curricula and schoolbooks as the most precise codification of the curricularly fixed contents (cp. Neuner 1989, p. 411) were used as raw material. For most subjects the history of schoolbooks has been poorly examined (cp. Pöggeler 2003, p. 37). Therefore, as basis for this study, only one primary descriptive thesis about evolutionary biology in class (cp. Rommel 2006) could be used. Based thereupon, an analytical framework will be introduced, which follows a multidimensional approach of research by containing aspects of the three reference systems: design, subject didactics, and subject discipline. Product oriented single and group analyses were used to evaluate the sources. This was carried out under the primacy of interdisciplinarity via analysis by content. The feedback of sociocultural changes on schoolbooks will be clarified in the concluding discussion. It will be shown that evolutionary contents occupied a significant position in biology classes within the SOZ/GDR and that the expression of those contents followed divergent approaches and preferences. The classification of teaching and learning materials as an informational, pedagogical and political issue (cp. Stein 1991) belongs to the same context. (DIPF/Orig.)
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