High mobility n-type organic thin-film transistors deposited at room temperature by supersonic molecular beam deposition

Autor: Salvatore Iannotta, F. Chiarella, L. Aversa, Antonio Cassinese, Francesca Ciccullo, T. Toccoli, Mario Barra, Roberta Tatti, Roberto Verucchi
Přispěvatelé: Chiarella, Fabio, T., Toccoli, Barra, Mario, L., Aversa, Ciccullo, Francesca, R., Tatti, R., Verucchi, S., Iannotta, Cassinese, Antonio
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Applied physics letters 104 (2014): 143302. doi:10.1063/1.4870991
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Chiarella, F.; Toccoli, T.; Barra, M.; Aversa, L.; Ciccullo, F.; Tatti, R.; Verucchi, R.; Iannotta, S.; Cassinese, A./titolo:High mobility n-type organic thin-film transistors deposited at room temperature by supersonic molecular beam deposition/doi:10.1063%2F1.4870991/rivista:Applied physics letters/anno:2014/pagina_da:143302/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine:143302/volume:104
Popis: In this paper, we report on the fabrication of N,N'-1H,1H-perfluorobutil dicyanoperylenediimide (PDIF-CN2) organic thin-film transistors by Supersonic Molecular Beam Deposition. The devices exhibit mobility up to 0.2 cm(2)/V s even if the substrate is kept at room temperature during the organic film growth, exceeding by three orders of magnitude the electrical performance of those grown at the same temperature by conventional Organic Molecular Beam Deposition. The possibility to get high-mobility n-type transistors avoiding thermal treatments during or after the deposition could significantly extend the number of substrates suitable to the fabrication of flexible high-performance complementary circuits by using this compound. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
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