Data and R code for: Altitudinal effects on innate immune response of a subterranean rodent

Autor: Winternitz, Jamie, SOLAK, Halil Mert
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9734918
Popis: This data includes the R code and datasets necessary to reproduce our analyses. The code has been written by Jamie Winternitz, who can be contacted at jcwinternitz-at-gmail-dot-com, and by Halil Mert SOLAK, who can be contacted at mr.solak-at-hotmail-dot-com. The R code consists of the following three main sections:1. Bacteria Killing Ability Assay A. Loading and visualizing BKA optimization data B. Loading and visualizing BKA data C. Model comparison and selection D. Partial regression plots2. Stress (corticosterone) Assay A. Loading and visualizing data B. Model comparison and selection C. Partial regression plots3. Gastrointestinal Parasite Assay Loading and Visualizing DataThe data required to reproduce our analyses are the following:1. BKA_growth.csv2. BKA_dilution.csv3. BKA_MCC_data.csv4. par_data.csv
Databáze: OpenAIRE