Socio-cultural importance of the species Blighia sapida koenig (Sapindaceae) in Benin

Autor: Moussa NDIAYE, Eric E AGOYI, Achille E ASSAGBADJO, Birane DIENG, Ablaye NGOM, Khandioura NOBA
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 18:073-082
ISSN: 2581-3250
Popis: Objective:Blighia sapidais a species whose nutritional potential has been demonstrated by certain authors. Nevertheless, its valuation knows real constraints due to the lack of knowledge of the species by the community. The general objective of this study is to contribute to improving the levels of knowledge aboutB. sapidafor its better use. Methodology and Results:Eight hundred and sixty-three (863) households were surveyed across 24 villages distributed in 8 communes chosen from the three phytogeographical regions of the country (south, center and north). Ethnobotanical data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Five uses of the species have been identified: food (81%), cosmetic (10%), medicinal (7%), commercial (0.31%) and fertilizer (0.21%) uses. The organs used are the fruit (arils, seed and fruit capsule), seed, bark, leaves and root. The use value obtained in the localities surveyed (VUt = 2.2) reflects the level of use of the species by the population. The diversity and equitability index values (ID = 1.43 and IE = 0.57) show a heterogeneous distribution of knowledge about the species within the population groups. The low value of the vulnerability index (IV=2.50) justifies that the species is not yet under threat of extinction in Benin. Conclusion and application of the results: At the end of this study, it is observed thatB. sapidais of high socio-cultural importance for the rural population of Benin. This level of importance assessed through ethnobotanical indices (IC, ID, VU and IV) justifies the perception that indigenous populations have given to the plant, which nevertheless provides an important source of income, food supply and pharmacopoeia.
Databáze: OpenAIRE