Bradynobaenus porteri Torrens & Fidalgo, sp. nov

Autor: Torr��ns, Javier, Fidalgo, Patricio
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6049393
Popis: Bradynobaenus porteri Torr��ns & Fidalgo, sp. nov. (Figs 11, 12, 16���18) Diagnosis. General body color orange to testaceous, except metasomal tergum 2 dark brown to black and sternum 2 somewhat lighter than tergum 2; mesonotum with line of puncture with setae from anterolateral angle to center, running parallel and irregularly to anterior margin of scutum; MLS sigmoid, continuous from mesocoxa to middle of mesopleuron, then continuing in interrupted form; mandible with three teeth in same line, median smallest, slightly closer to proximal tooth. Description. Female. Body length, 7.5���8.3 mm; maximum width 1.6���1.7 mm. General body color orange to testaceous head slightly darker; apex of mandible, femur, tibia and metasomal tergum 2 dark brown to black, sternum 2 somewhat lighter; rest of leg whitish (Fig. 11). Head 1.3���1.4 �� wider than long in dorsal view (Fig. 12). Scape 1.8���2.2 �� its width, as long as flagellomeres 1��� 4 combined; pedicel 1.3���1.5 �� its maximum width, 1.1 �� flagellomere 1; flagellomeres cylindrical. Mandible 0.8- 1.0 �� length of head; with three teeth in same line, the intermediate the smallest, slightly closer to proximal tooth (Fig. 12). Head with setae distributed as follows: U-shaped row of long and whitish setae on upper, flattened surface of scape; basal group of dense whitish and long setae on lower surface of scape, close to insertion of pedicel; long and whitish setae on outer surface of pedicel; row of whitish setae bordering dorsally antennal socket; row of whitish and long setae between antenna sockets, continues obliquely to eyes and bordering antennal sockets; row of whitish and long setae from insertion of mandibles through clypeus; row of small setae surrounding base of mandible; row of orange setae above eyes; long setae from base of the mandibles to vertex, covering subgenal area and vertex, whitish setae in subgenal area and orange setae in vertex; dense group of short orange and whitish setae in occipital area. Mesosoma. in dorsal view 1.0���1.1 �� longer than maximum width (Fig. 18). Pronotum 2.1���2.4 �� wider than long; anterior margin of dorsal surface with an irregular band of strong and separated punctures bearing long orange seta; lower margin of pronotum with short whitish setae; surface of pronotum smooth except laterovertical surface with feeble irregular carinae. Mesonotum 1.4���1.6 �� wider than long; surface mostly smooth, with strong punctures bearing seta towards sides of dorsal surface and single line of punctures with seta from anterolateral angle toward center, running parallel and irregularly to anterior margin of scutum, not reaching middle of mesonotum (Fig. 18); meso-metathoracic suture with strong punctures bearing long and orange setae. Fused metanotum and propodeum vertical, mostly smooth surface, with oblique carinae, irregular and slightly marked in center and directed towards insertion of gaster; with short and whitish setae in posterior margin. MLS sigmoid, continuous from mesocoxa to middle of mesopleuron, continues in an interrupted form; mesopleuron with whitish setae near to insertion of mesocoxa; surface of mesopleuron smooth (Fig. 16). Meso-metapleural suture distinct; separation of metapleuron and propodeum indicated only by feeble depression. Coxa smooth with long, whitish setae on anterior surface; femur and tibia with long dispersed setae, especially on anterior and posterior surface. Foreleg: tibia with ridge in posterior region with long setae, with short spiniform seta in anterior margin, near insertion of tarsus; tarsomere 1 broad and flattened, posterior margin with row of six flattened and robust spiniform setae increasing in length, distal setae being longest and as long as following two tarsomeres; anterior margin with long spiniform seta; tarsomeres 2���4 flattened and widened distally, with two long spiniform setae at apex. Mid leg: dorsal margin of tibia with row 5���6 spiniform and short setae in middle region and extending in some cases to almost apex; tibia with spiniform setae surrounding insertion of tarsomere; tarsomeres 1���2 widened towards apex and with spiniform setae surrounding insertion of following tarsomere; tarsomeres 3���4 with 2���3 spiniform setae surrounding insertion of next tarsomere. Hind leg: apex of tibia with two thick and long setae and several shorter thick setae surrounding insertion of tarsomere; following tarsomeres widened towards apex and with several long spiniform setae surrounding insertion of next tarsomere. Metasoma. 2.5���3.0 �� longer than maximum width in dorsal view (Fig. 17). First tergum 1.1���1.3 �� wider than long and 0.7���0.8 �� width of tergum 2, with anterior vertical surface covered with setae except for central area glabrous, dorsal surface with setae only to sides continuing in posterior margin; terga 2���5 with setae only in posterior margin. Tergum 6 with carina surrounding dorsal surface; with irregular carina covering posterior half, rest of tergum smooth; posterior margin straight (Fig. 17). Sterna 2���3 with setae dispersed throughout surface; rest of sterna only with setae restricted to posterior margin. Male. Unknown. Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to Dr. Charles Porter (1940���2012), outstanding hymenopterist who made great contributions to the Neotropical Hymenoptera, especially from Argentina. Material examined. Holotype ♀: ARGENTINA: La Rioja, La Puerta, 28��49'54''S 65��39'24''W, 29/III-1/IV/ 2014, YPT, J. Torr��ns & P. Fidalgo (MACN). Paratypes, 3♀: La Rioja, La Puerta, same data as holotype (2 ♀, CRILAR-Ent and 1 ♀, MACN). Remarks. The female of new species differs from that of B. subandinus by color of metasomal tergum 2 completely dark brown to black and sternum 2 somewhat darker than rest of body (in B. subandinus metasomal tergum 2 with two spots towards sides, and sternum 2 same color as rest of body) (Figs 11, 13, 14, 17, 19); surface of pronotum smooth except laterovertical surface with feeble irregular carinae (in B. subandinus completely smooth surface); MLS continued up to pronotal lobe height (in B. subandinus MLS continuous beyond pronotal lobe height) (Figs 15, 16); mesonotum with anterolateral punctures forming single line (in B. subandinus anterolateral punctures forming two lines) (Figs 18, 20); sixth tergum of metasoma with posterior margin straight (in B. subandinus posterior margin convex medially) (Figs 17, 19).
Published as part of Torr��ns, Javier & Fidalgo, Patricio, 2017, Two new species of Bradynobaenus Spinola, 1851 (Hymenoptera: Bradynobaenidae) in the semiarid area of Argentina, pp. 293-300 in Zootaxa 4232 (2) on pages 297-299, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.12,
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