Calibrations of CR39 and Makrofol nuclear track detectors and search for exotic particles

Autor: Piergiorgio Fusco, Fausto Guarino, Sergio Petrera, Giancarlo Barbarino, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, Teresa Montaruli, Hassane Dekhissi, Fabrizio Cei, Vincenzo PATERA, Stephane Coutu, Ernesto Lamanna, Abdeslem Rrhioua, Tommaso Chiarusi, Celestina Satriano, Adalberto Sciubba, Ivan De Mitri, Maurizio Spurio, Laura Patrizii, Marco Monteno, Antonio Surdo, Gabriele Sirri, Carlo Gustavino, Rossella Caruso, Massimo Carboni, Michela Cozzi, Onofrio ERRIQUEZ, Alec Habig, Donatella Campana, Roberto Bellotti, Daniele Martello, Francesco Cafagna, Dikra Bakari
Přispěvatelé: Barbarino, Giancarlo, Guarino, Fausto, M., Antolini
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Popis: We present the final results of the search for exotic massive particles in the cosmic radiation performed with the MACRO underground experiment. Magnetic monopoles and nuclearites flux upper limits obtained with the CR39 nuclear track subdetector, the scintillation and streamer tube subdetectors are given. Searches at high altitude with the SLIM experiment are in progress.
Databáze: OpenAIRE