Comparison of torsional vibration dampers in terms of the dissipated power amount

Autor: Olena Nozhenko, Václav Píštěk, Pavel Kučera, Mykola Gorbunov
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Vibroengineering Procedia. 2018, vol. 18, issue 1, p. 68-72.
ISSN: 2538-8479
Popis: Reducing of frictional losses between moving parts of drivelines is a permanently current topic for both conventional internal combustion engines and modern hybrid or electric drives. The application of low viscosity oils leads to the reduction of friction losses of moving engine components and thus to low fuel consumption. Further measures to increase efficiency, such as reducing the oil flow rate, must also be taken into account in their effect on functional behavior. All in all, these measures place increased demands on the functionality and durability of engine components such as piston rings and plain bearings. The effects of low viscosity engine oils on piston rings and plain bearings can be evaluated using specific computational tools and newly developed test methods. Another option to reduce the power dissipation in drive units is to use a suitable torsional vibration damper type.
Databáze: OpenAIRE