Autor: Aleksandra Solarz, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Agata Pępiak, Agnieszka Pollo, W. Jurusik, Akari Team
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society. 27:339-341
ISSN: 1225-1534
Popis: It is a long known fact that there exists a tight correlation between far-infrared and radioemission both for galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei and for star forming galaxies. We probe theradio - infrared correlation for a sample of extragalactic sources constructed by the cross-correlationof the AKARI/IRC All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalogue, the AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey BrightSource Catalogue, and the NRAO VLA Sky Survey. Additionally, all objects of our sample wereidentified as galaxies in NED and SIMBAD databases, and a part of them is known to host activegalactic nuclei (AGNs). After remeasuring all the fluxes, in order to avoid small aperture effects,we compare the ratio of radio to infrared emission from different types of extragalactic sources,and discuss the FIR/radio correlation as seen by AKARI and make a comparison to the previousresults obtained thanks to IRAS. Key words: infrared; radio; galaxies; FRC1. INTRODUCTIONThe radio and far-infrared (FIR) luminosities of galax-ies are approximately linearly correlated (e.g., Helou etal., 1985; Mauch & Sadler, 2007; Mori´c et al., 2010).The far-infrared – radio correlation (FRC) is one ofthe most universal empirical correlations known amongthe global parameters of observed galaxies. It spansa wide range of galaxy types and seems to be validboth for the local and the distant universe. PresentlyFRC is believed to be driven mostly by star formation.However, the infrared and radio emission mechanismsin star forming galaxies involve very different physicalprocesses and timescales. Moreover, the correlation isalso observed for AGN-hosting galaxies. Hence, it isnot yet established if the FRC is related only to starformation activity, or maybe some other processes areinvolved.This paper presents some preliminary results ofstudies of the FRC for nearby galaxies (
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