Ruin probabilities for a Lévy-driven generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

Autor: Serguei Pergamenshchikov, Yuri Kabanov
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Finance and stochastics. 2020. Vol. 24, № 1. P. 39-69
Popis: We study the asymptotics of the ruin probability for a process which is the solution of a linear SDE defined by a pair of independent Levy processes. Our main interest is a model describing the evolution of the capital reserve of an insurance company selling annuities and investing in a risky asset. Let $\beta >0$ be the root of the cumulant-generating function $H$ of the increment $V_{1}$ of the log-price process. We show that the ruin probability admits the exact asymptotic $Cu^{-\beta }$ as the initial capital $u\to \infty $, assuming only that the law of $V_{T}$ is non-arithmetic without any further assumptions on the price process.
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