Značajke biološkog (demografskog) sastava stanovništva Hrvatske

Autor: Ivo Nejašmić
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Hrvatski geografski glasnik
Volume 65.
Issue 2.
ISSN: 1848-6401
DOI: 10.21861/hgg.2003.65.02.02
Popis: This paper studies the biological structure (age and sex) of the population in Croatia. The three successive census data are being analysed, and the focus is on the 2001-year census. Croatia is compared with Europe, the characteristics according to the settlement type (urban and other) are considered, a spatial differentiation of basic features (on the county level) is presented, and demographic ageing and age degree of the population in Croatia are analysed. First, the sex and age structures are considered separately, then together, by means of the so-called age-sex pyramid.
Databáze: OpenAIRE