Autor: Khaytbayeva N., Bababekov Q., Rakhmanov J.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7738610
Popis: In this article, the effectiveness of chemical inseminators against species of the genus Fusarium isolated from wheat was studied in the laboratory. In the research, fertilizers approved for use in the republic were used in laboratory conditions on an artificial nutrient medium with the sowing of Fusarium fungi in the middle part of a Petri dish, around which seeds treated with fertilizers were planted. And in the control version, untreated seeds are sown. It has been experimentally proved that the most effective seed growers are "Maxim", "Seles-Top", "Fundozol", "vitovax". When treated with these fungicides, the seeds had good germination and suppressed the growth of a pathogenic fungus. In the control variant, fungi on the surface of the seeds and inside the seeds were isolated in an artificial nutrient medium and negatively affected the growth and development of the plant.
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