Through Colombian Lenses: Ethnographic and Conventional Analyses of Maternal Care and Their Associations With Secure Base Behavior

Autor: Gloria Alzate, Olga Alicia Carbonell, German Posada, Sandra J. Plata
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Developmental Psychology. 40:508-518
ISSN: 1939-0599
Popis: According to attachment theory, the quality of care plays a key role in the organization of infants’ secure base behavior across contexts and cultures. Yet information about attachment relationships in a variety of cultures is scarce, and questions remain as to whether Ainsworth’s conceptualization of early care quality (sensitivity; M. D. S. Ainsworth, M. C. Blehar, E. Waters, & S. Wall, 1978) is appropriate for characterizing caregiving behavior in different groups and whether culturally specific descriptions of early care are related to conventional measures of maternal sensitivity and to infants’ security. In this naturalistic study of mother–infant interactions in Colombia, scores on different domains of maternal care were obtained through ethnographic methodology, and conventional Q-sort scores for maternal and infant behavior were obtained. Findings are discussed in terms of the cross-cultural generality of the sensitivity construct and the sensitivity–security link and of the relevance of naturalistic open-ended studies in different contexts. Bowlby’s (1982) and Ainsworth’s (1969) theory of the infant– mother tie as a secure base relationship focuses on the role of the primary caregiver as a secure base from which an infant can explore and learn about the environment and close relationships. Bowlby (1982) hypothesized that all infants have a propensity to organize an attachment behavioral control system and to construct secure base relationships if they have been exposed to ordinary caregiving. This control system depends on biases in infants’ learning abilities that Bowlby argued are part of humans’ evolutionary endowment. Further, according to attachment theory, the quality of secure base relationships varies and is importantly influenced by maternal sensitivity. Thus, infants in secure base
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