Influence of ultrasound pre-treatment on ilmenite surface chemical properties and collectors’ adsorption behaviour

Autor: Shuai Fang, Kaiqian Shu, Yanbo Xu, Houqin Wu, Zhoujie Wang, Longhua Xu
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 57:98-107
ISSN: 1350-4177
Popis: In this study, we used flotation tests, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), zeta potential, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and microcalorimetry measurements to investigate the flotation and possible adsorption mechanisms of the ilmenite surface before and after ultrasonic pre-treatment. Flotation results show that under optimum conditions, the promotion effect of sonication on ilmenite is remarkable. The maximum recovery is 89.54% for ultrasonicated ilmenite at a pH of 4–5. For pH of 8–9, recovery increased again to 66.34%. Microcalorimetry indicates that the adsorption-driven heat release (−Qads) is higher for ultrasonicated ilmenite than for raw one. After pre-treatment, the iso-electric point (IEP) changed from pH 6.2 to pH 4.2. FTIR spectra and zeta potential measurements indicated that metal ions as active sites on the ilmenite surface are probably changed by the ultrasonic treatment. XPS analysis shows that ultrasonic treatment can promotes the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and improves the solubilization of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the pH range of 4–5. Under weakly alkaline condition, ultrasound also can make Ca2+ and Mg2+ re-absorb onto the ilmenite surface as main active sites.
Databáze: OpenAIRE