Lingual orthodontics in an adult patient with upper premolar extraction: Case report

Autor: Maria Giacinta Paolone, Francesco Kaitsas, Roberto Kaitsas
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Orthodontics. 18:165-177
ISSN: 1761-7227
DOI: 10.1016/j.ortho.2019.07.001
Popis: Summary Objective To show with this case report that lingual orthodontics can be a solution in complex adult situation and with interdisciplinary approach. Materials and methods The patient presented a dental and skeletal high angle class II division 1 with a previous extraction of one mandibular incisor. The strategy of treatment was upper first premolar-extraction to obtain a correction of the incisal-class II relationship with a normal lip function, a class II molar relationship on the right side and a class I on the left side. A lingual appliance and miniscrews were used. Results The lingual orthodontic treatment with miniscrews responded to the occlusal objectives with a good upper incisors torque and retraction control. Discussion Limits and advantages of lingual orthodontics were discussed. Conclusion Lingual mechanics can provide good results from both an aesthetic and function point of view in adult complex extractions case. It ensures aesthetics during treatment, incisor control during retraction. Miniscrews were also useful to overcome the periodontal limits and enhance the anchorage.
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