SUN-LB43 DLK1 Expressing Cells Contribute to the Zonation of the Adrenal Gland

Autor: Katia Mariniello, Leonardo Guasti, Emanuel Rognoni
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of the Endocrine Society
ISSN: 2472-1972
Popis: The adrenal cortex is a dynamic organ that undergoes self-renewal and remodeling in response to the demand for steroids. In the mouse it is divided into two concentric layers, the outer zona glomerulosa and the inner zona fasciculata (ZF), that secrete aldosterone and corticosterone, respectively. Cell fate mapping studies have shown that the maintenance of the cortex relies on a pool of stem/progenitor cells located in the capsular and subcapsular compartments. Two interconnected cell populations have been identified, subcapsular undifferentiated cells secreting the morphogen Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) and capsular Gli1+ cells, which can transduce the Shh signal (1); both populations are precursors of steroidogenic cells and newly formed cells migrate in a centripetal fashion to repopulate the gland until they reach the juxtamedullary region where they undergo senescence and apoptosis. Moreover, our lab has shown that the Notch atypical ligand Delta-Like homologue 1 (Dlk1) is expressed in partially undifferentiated cells of the subcapsular region in rat (2)and human (3)adrenals, whilst it is mostly expressed in capsular cells in mice (4,5). To investigate whether Dlk1 expressing cells contribute to the zonation of the adrenal cortex we conducted lineage tracing analyses using a tamoxifen inducible Dlk1CreERT2mouse model carrying the R26tdTom reporter. Pregnant dames were injected with tamoxifen at embryonic day (e) 12.5 and pups were culled at postnatal day (p) 10 and p38. Analysis of tdTomato expression showed that 35% (p10) and 24% (p38) of Steroidogenic Factor 1(Sf1)+cortical cells were tdTomato+, revealing that capsular Dlk1+cells are steroidogenic precursors. On the other hand, postnatal tamoxifen injections (p0) showed tdTomato+/Sf1+ cells only in 1-2% in cortical cells after 24-months chase, suggesting that the contribution of Dlk1+cells to adrenocortical self-renewal is limited postnatally.However, the Dlk1+population could be reactivated in the adult mouse treated with dexamethasone and was shown to contribute to the regeneration of the ZF once dexamethasone treatment was ceased. 1. King P, et al. Shh signaling regulates adrenocortical development and identifies progenitors of steroidogenic lineages. Proc Natl Acad Sci(2009) 106:21185-211902. Guasti L, et al. Dlk1 Up-Regulates Gli1 Expression in Male Rat Adrenal Capsule Cells Through the Activation of β1 Integrin and ERK1/2. Endocrinology(2013) 154:4675-46843. Hadjidemetriou I, et al. DLK1/PREF1 marks a novel cell population in the human adrenal cortex. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol(2019) 193:1054224. Guasti L, Candy Sze WC, McKay T, Grose R, King PJ. FGF signalling through Fgfr2 isoform IIIb regulates adrenal cortex development. Mol Cell Endocrinol(2013) 371:182-1885. Heikkilä M, et al. Wnt-4 Deficiency Alters Mouse Adrenal Cortex Function, Reducing Aldosterone Production. Endocrinology(2002) 143:4358-4365
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