Examination of the academic optimism perceptions of the teachers at the schools in terms of their preferred teaching styles Öğretmenlerin okullardaki akademik iyimserlik algılarının tercih ettikleri öğretim stilleri açısından incelenmesi

Autor: Atila Yildirim, Ercan Yılmaz
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 15, No 3 (2018); 1623-1633
Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 15, No 3 (2018); 1623-1633
ISSN: 2458-9489
Popis: The high academic optimism levels of the teachers affect the success of the students positively. The most important characteristics of schools with high academic success is the high optimism levels. The schools with high academic optimism levels give much more importance to the teachers than the schools with low levels of academic optimism. This study aims to determine the relation between the teaching style preferences of the teachers and the level of the academic optimism in the schools. Thus, the dimensions of the teaching styles and academic optimism have been compared. This study has the model of relational screening. The study examined the level of explanation of the academic optimism in the schools by the teaching styles preferred by the teachers. The dependent variable of the study is the academic optimism perception of the teachers and the schools. The independent variable is the sizes of the teaching styles. The study group consisted of 323 middle school teachers in total selected from 13 schools by means of random cluster sampling and who were working in province of Konya in 2016. “School Academic Optimism Scale” developed by Coban and Demirtas (2011) and the “Grasha-Reichmann Teaching Style Scale” adapted to Turkish by Saritas and Sural (2010) were used as the data collection tool. The relation between the academic optimism and sizes scores of the teachers and the teaching style sizes were tested with Pearson correlation technique. The level of the significant explanation of the teaching styles preferred by the teachers as well as their academic optimism size scores were tested with the multiple regression technique. A significant relation has been found between the scores of the teaching styles preferred by the teachers and their total academic optimism scores. It can be suggested that attention shall be focused on the lifelong training of the teachers in order to develop the academic optimism feelings of the teachers. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Ogretmenlerin akademik iyimserlik duzeylerinin yuksek olmasi ogrencilerin basarilarini olumlu yonde etkilemektedir. Akademik basarisi yuksek olan okullarin en buyuk ozelligi akademik iyimserlik seviyelerinin de yuksek olmasidir. Akademik iyimserlik seviyeleri yuksek olan okullar, akademik iyimserlik seviyesi dusuk olan okullara gore ogretmenlere daha cok onem verirler. Bu arastirmada, ogretmenlerin tercih ettikleri ogretim stillerinin okullardaki akademik iyimserlik duzeyi arasindaki iliskiyi belirlemek amaclanmaktadir. Bu amacla ogretim stilleri ve akademik iyimserlik boyutlari karsilastirilmistir. Bu arastirma, iliskisel tarama modelindedir. Arastirmada ogretmenlerin tercih ettikleri ogretim stillerinin okullardaki akademik iyimserligi aciklama duzeyi incelenmistir. Arastirmanin bagimli degiskeni ogretmenlerin okullarin akademik iyimserlik algisidir. Bagimsiz degiskeni ise ogretim stillerinin boyutlaridir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu; 2016 yillinda Konya ilinde calisan ve tesadufi kume ornekleme yoluyla 13 ortaokuldan secilen toplam 332 ortaokul ogretmeni olusturmustur. Veri toplama araci olarak, Coban ve Demirtas (2011) tarafindan gelistirilmis olan “Okul Akademik Iyimserlik Olcegi” ve Saritas ve Sural (2010) tarafindan Turkceye uyarlanmis olan “Grasha - Reichmann Ogretme Stili Olcegi” kullanilmistir. Ogretmenlerin akademik iyimserlik ve boyutlari puanlari ile ogretim stillerinin boyutlari arasindaki iliski Pearson korelasyon teknigi ile test edilmistir. Ogretmenlerin akademik iyimserlik boyut puanlarini, tercih ettikleri ogretim stillerinin anlamli bir seklide aciklama duzeyi coklu regresyon teknigi ile test edilmistir. Ogretmenlerin tercih ettikleri ogretim stilleri puanlari ile akademik iyimserlik toplam puanlari arasinda anlamli bir iliski bulunmustur.
Databáze: OpenAIRE