Observing Microscopic Transitions from Macroscopic Bursts: Instability-Mediated Resetting in the Incoherent Regime of the $D$-dimensional Generalized Kuramoto Model

Autor: Sarthak Chandra, Edward Ott
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: We consider a recently introduced $D$-dimensional generalized Kuramoto model for many $(N\gg 1)$ interacting agents in which the agent states are $D$-dimensional unit vectors. It was previously shown that, for even $D$, similar to the original Kuramoto model ($D=2$), there exists a continuous dynamical phase transition from incoherence to coherence of the time asymptotic attracting state as the coupling parameter $K$ increases through a critical value $K_c^{(+)}>0$. We consider this transition from the point of view of the stability of an incoherent state, i.e., where the $N\to\infty$ distribution function is time-independent and the macroscopic order parameter is zero. In contrast with $D=2$, for even $D>2$ there is an infinity of possible incoherent equilibria, each of which becomes unstable with increasing $K$ at a different point $K=K_c$. We show that there are incoherent equilibria for all $K_c$ within the range $(K_c^{(+)}/2)\leq K_c \leq K_c^{(+)}$. How can the possible instability of incoherent states arising at $K=K_cK_c^{(+)}$? We find, for a given incoherent equilibrium, that, if $K$ is rapidly increased from $K
Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE