Euboeus parvostriatus Nabozhenko & Nikitsky & Keskin 2017, sp. n

Autor: Nabozhenko, M. V., Nikitsky, N. B., Keskin, B.
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6016043
Popis: Euboeus (s. str.) parvostriatus Nabozhenko, sp. n. (Figs. 3, 7) Probaticus mori: Canpolat & ��asbеnli, 2012: 17, figs. 1, 2(3) (misidеntification). Type material. Holotype, ♂ and 3 paratypes (♀♀): Turkey, vil. I��el, Orta Toroslar, Hocali, 500 m, 3.iv.2004 (leg. N. Rahm��, L. N��dai, K. Sz��kely) (HNHM); 1 paratype, ♂: Turkey S, Karaman Prov., Pınarbaşi env., ca 20 km SW Karaman, 27��� (leg. L. Purchart & V. Hula) (LPCB). Description. Male. Body black with greasy shine, robust, convex. Anterior margin of frontoclypeus deeply emarginate, with strongly projected rectangular angles. Head widest at eye level. Ratio of head on eye level to interocular space 1.53. Eyes dorsally strongly transverse and convex. Genae strongly and regularly rounded. Lateral margin of head with distinct obtuse sinuation between genae and clypeus. Head with clear transverse depression between frons and clypeus. Punctation of head dorsally and ventrally regular, coarse and dense (puncture diameters 2���3 times as wide as puncture interspaces). Mentum with transverse furrow, without mid longitudinal ridge, punctate in basal half and smooth and shine in apical half. Antennae long, with 4 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum, almost reaching middle of elytra. Antennomere 11 elongate, slightly asymmetric, 1.3 times as long as antennomere 10. Pronotum transverse (1.3 times as wide as long), widest little before middle (I��el population) or at middle (Karaman population). Lateral margins weakly rounded in middle and straight from middle to base and to anterior margin (I��el population) or strongly rounded and weakly sinuate at base (Karaman population). Anterior margin straight and emarginate only near anterior angles (I��el population) or regularly emarginate (Karaman population). Base strongly rounded in middle. Anterior corners projected, rectangular, posterior corners slightly obtuse. All margins regularly beaded. Disc regularly convex, punctation similar to that of head. Prothoracic hypomera with coarse and dense punctation (as on head and pronotum). Prosternal process flat. Elytra strongly convex, oval. Humeral angles rounded, not projected. Elytral interstriae flat, with coarse and moderately dense (puncture diameters nearly as wide as puncture interspaces) simple (not rasp-shaped) punctation. Striae consisting of round closely set punctures similar to those on interstriae. Interstria 8 strongly convex on apex, approaching interstria 9 and connected with interstria 2. Epipleural carina from above visible only near humeri. Epipleura depressed. Mesoventrite with short smooth mid longitudinal keel in anterior part and with transverse depressions on each side of keel. Metaventrite short, with sparse and coarse punctation and short recumbent hairs. Abdominal ventrites with fine rugose punctation and recumbent setation; ventrite 1 with coarser sparse punctation; ventrite 5 completely beaded, smooth and impunctate in middle. Legs long and slender. Trochanters with 1 long seta. Tibiae straight, metatibiae sometimes (Karaman population) slightly bent in basal third. Pro- and mesotarsomeres 1���3 widened, protarsomeres trasverse, mesotarsomeres longitudinal. Tibiae and tarsi covered with strong black recumbent setae. Body length 10.6���12.9 mm, body width 5���5.6 mm. Female. Body more robust, antennae shorter, extending beyond base of pronotum with 3 apical antennomeres, reaching basal quarter of elytra. Tarsi not widened. Body length 1 0���13.7 mm, body width 4.8���6.1 mm. Etymology. The name is derived from Latin ���parvus��� (small) and ���striatus��� (striate). Differential diagnosis. The new species is most similar to E. tentyrioides and E. mori but differs from latter in having flat elytral interstriae, different structure of elytral striae, simple (not rasp-shaped) punctation of interstriae, shorter antennae (antennae of E. mori extending beyond base of pronotum with 5 antennomeres), different structure of sternite 8 of male and lobes of gastral spicula (see Figs 5 and 7). Differences from E. tentyriodes are in the key.
Published as part of Nabozhenko, M. V., Nikitsky, N. B. & Keskin, B., 2017, Taxonomic review of the genus Euboeus s. str. Boieldieu, 1865 (= Probaticus s. str. Seidlitz, 1896, syn. n.) (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) in Zootaxa 4358 (3), DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4358.3.6,
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