Bridging the Gap in Nursing Education: Empowering Students through Immersive Medical Simulation for Enhanced Competency and Quality Patient Care

Autor: Majed S Al-Za'areer, Ong Swee Leong, Intan Suhana Mat Azmi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8104810
Popis: The nursing education system plays a crucial role in preparing competent healthcare professionals who candeliver quality patient care. However, there exists a gap between the knowledge and skills acquired in nursingeducation and the demands of the complex healthcare environment.This paper aims to address this gap by exploring the use of immersive medical simulation in nursing educationas a means to empower students and enhance their competency for improved patient care. The paper beginswith an overview of the nursing education system and the importance of competency and quality patient care innursing. It then discusses the need to bridge the gap in nursing education and highlights the purpose of the paperreview. Subsequently, the focus shifts to providing an overview of immersive medical simulation, including itscomponents and technologies involved. The benefits of immersive medical simulation in nursing education arethen explored, emphasizing its impact on enhancing clinical skills acquisition, fostering critical thinking anddecision-making abilities, improving teamwork and communication skills, and promoting student self-confidence while reducing anxiety. The discussion further delves into how immersive medical simulationempowers nursing students through active learning and engagement opportunities, realistic patient carescenarios, individualized feedback and assessment, and the promotion of student autonomy and professionaldevelopment. The paper also highlights the role of immersive medical simulation in ensuring competency andquality patient care, including simulation-based competency assessments, bridging the gap between theory andpractice, addressing patient safety concerns, and enhancing interprofessional collaboration and patient-centeredcare. Additionally, the paper addresses challenges and considerations in implementing immersive medical simulationin nursing education, such as financial constraints, faculty training and support, integration into the nursingcurriculum, and ethical considerations. Finally, future directions and recommendations are provided, includingthe importance of continuous research and innovation, collaboration between academia and healthcareinstitutions, standardization and accreditation of simulation programs, and evaluating the long-term impact ofimmersive medical simulation on nursing practice and patient outcomes. This paper concludes with a call to action for further implementation, research, and development in immersivemedical simulation in nursing education to bridge the gap, empower nursing students, enhance competency, andimprove patient care
Databáze: OpenAIRE