The Effect of a Carbon-Fiber Couch on the Depth-Dose Curves and Transmission Properties for Megavoltage Photon Beams

Autor: A. Rühmann, Wolfgang Kunth, Björn Poppe, Kay Willborn, Armand Djouguela, N Chofor, Ralf Kollhoff
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. 183:43-48
ISSN: 1439-099X
Popis: To investigate the attenuation of a carbon-fiber tabletop and a combiboard, alongside with the depth-dose profile in a solid-water phantom.Depth-dose measurements were performed with a Roos chamber for 6- and 10-MV beams for a typical field size (15 cm x 15 cm, SSD [source-surface distance] 100 cm). A rigid-stem ionization chamber was used to measure transmission factors.Transmission factors varied between 93.6% and 97.3% for the 6-MV beam, and 95.1% and 97.7% for the 10-MV photon beam. The lowest transmission factors were observed for the oblique gantry angle of 150 degrees with the table-combiboard combination. The surface dose normalized to a depth of 5 cm increased from 59.4% (without table, 0 degrees gantry), to 108.6% (tabletop present, 180 degrees gantry), and further to 120% (table-combiboard combination) for 6-MV photon beam. For 10 MV, the increase was from 39.6% (without table), to 88.9% (with table), and to 105.6% (table-combiboard combination). For the 150 degrees angle (tablecombiboard combination), the dose increased from 59.4% to 120% (6 MV) and from 39% to 108.1% (10 MV).Transmission factors for tabletops and accessories directly interfering with the treatment beam should be measured and implemented into the treatment-planning process. The increased surface dose to the skin should be considered.
Databáze: OpenAIRE