Colias grumi Alpheraky 1897

Autor: Huang, Hao, Song, Kui
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6343660
Popis: Colias grumi Alph��raky, 1897 (Figs. 13, 42���43, 45���46, 48���49, 63���64, 66, 71���72) Colias Cocandica Ersch. var. Grumi Alph��raky, 1897: 233 (TL: 21 km W. Yanchiwan, border between Gansu and Qinghai: Grieshuber et al. 2012); Grieshuber & Churkin 2003: 254, lectotype designation; Grieshuber 2016a: photos of lectotype and paralectotypes. C. cocandica Ersch. var. evanescens Verity, 1908: pl. xlii, fig. 16 (TL: N. slopes of Aljin Shan: Grieshuber et al. 2012); Grieshuber et al. 2012: 101���102, discussions on type series, type locality and taxonomic status, synonymy for C. grumi. Colias alpherakii: R.-X. Huang, 1986: 86, records of specimens later described as aljinshana. Colias grumi burchana Mracek & Schulte, 1991: 163, figs. 1���2 (TL: S. Xidatan, E. Kunlun range: Grieshuber et al. 2012); Verhulst, 1995: 436 - figs. 1���12, 439- figs. 3���4, 442- fig.; Grieshuber et al. 2012: 63, discussions on type series, type locality and taxonomic status, synonymy for C. grumi. Colias alpherakyi (sic) aljinshana R.-X. Huang & Murayama, 1992: 5, pl.2, fig. 11 (TL: ���Aljinshan���, actually Qimantag Shan, on north of Tufangzi); Grieshuber & Lamas 2007: 148, synonymy for evanescens; Grieshuber et al. 2012: 40, discussions on type series, type locality and taxonomic status. Colias grumi aljinshana: Hoshiai, 1993: 16. Colias grumi dvoraki Kocman, 1994: 397 (TL: road Chaka- Wulan, Qinghai); Verhulst 1995: 440 - fig.; Grieshuber et al. 2012: 86, nomenclature. unavailable name. Colias grumi: R.-X. Huang et al. 2000: 23, pl. X, figs. 1♂ Up- 1♂ Un (probably a paratype of aljinshana), fig. 1♀ (same as ♂ holotype of aljinshana). Material examined. CHINA: Qinghai: 1 ♂ & 1 ♀ (CHH), Xidantan, near Kunlun Shan Pass, on road Qinghai-Tibet, 4100m, 13.VII.2007, L. Ding leg.; 3 ♂♂ & 3 ♀♀ (CQZY, CHH), Xidantan, 17.VII.2021, Z.-Y. Qi leg.; 1 ♀ (CHH), 15 km NE. Delingha, 26.VII.2020, S.-Y. Lang leg.; 4 ♂♂ & 3 ♀♀ (CSK), NE. Delingha, 18.VII.2019, K. Song leg.; 5 ♂♂ & 3 ♀♀ (CSK), N. of Dachaidan, 14.VII.2017 & 20.VII.2019, K. Song leg.; 1 ♀ (CSK), Dulan, 19.VII.2021, K. Song leg.; 5 ♂♂ & 2 ♀♀ (CSK), Xiangpishan, 10���18.VII.2009, K. Song leg.. Remarks. The authors agreed to Grieshuber et al. (2012) opinion that no subspecific separation is necessary for this species. The small differences among the populations are caused by different climates rather than geographical isolation. Notes on Colias grumi aljinshana. By the help of Dr. X. Zhang (Urumqi), the senior author examined the photos of a ♂ paratype of C. grumi aljinshana (Fig. 72). C. grumi aljinshana was originally described as Colias alpherakyi (sic) aljinshana on 1 ♂ and 2 ♀♀ from ���Aljinshan, 4300m, high cold desert mountain���, with 1 ♂ figured (R.-X. Huang & Murayama 1992: 6, fig. 11). R.-X. Huang & Murayama (1992) did not indicate the status of the figured specimen, but as only there was only 1 ♂ indicated in the type series, the figured ♂ should be holotype as Hoshiai (1993) deduced. According to Dr. X. Zhang (pers. comm.), only a single ♂ specimen was found in the butterfly collection of Xinjiang University and photographed. This specimen was labeled with the following data: time - 1984.7.7; locality - [Tufangzi] (in Chinese; this is one of the collecting localities in the 1984 expedition joined by R.-X. Huang); altitude - 4300m; collector - [Huang Ren-Xin] (in Chinese). It is obvious that this ♂ specimen is not the holotype as its wing-pattern does not fit the original figure. However, R.-X. Huang recorded 3 ♂♂ for this species in his earlier report (R.-X. Huang 1986), not 1 ♂ and 2 ♀♀ as in his later report (R.-X. Huang & Murayama 1992). In a much later publication (R.-X. Huang et al. 2000: pl. X, fig. 1♀), the ♂ holotype was labeled as a ♀. Therefore, it is clear that R.-X. Huang did not identify or record correctly the sexes of the type specimens. The type locality is clarified as follows. R.-X. Huang (1986) gave the collecting data in his early publication as: 3 ♂♂, [Qimantag Shan, on north of Tufangzi] (in Chinese), 4300m, 1984.VII.7, Xiao Nan leg. Tufangzi is an important station clearly marked on the map of the 1984 expedition (Zhang et al. 1986), near the co-ordinates 37.3224N, 90.3562E. Flight period. Whole July. Altitude. 4000���4300m. Distributional notes. To show their contribution more clearly, the authors ignored the localities in literature and marked only their collecting localities on the map in addition to the type localities. The type locality of C. grumi evanescens is not marked on the map, as its exact location is unknown (Grieshuber et al. 2012). The collecting locality of C. grumi dvoraki is not marked too, as this taxon is an unavailable name in nomenclature (Grieshuber et al. 2012). C. grumi is also recorded from Jingtieshan (S. of Jiayuguan), Aljin Shan and Wulan (Verhulst, 2000 ��� 2001, Grieshuber et al. 2012).
Published as part of Huang, Hao & Song, Kui, 2022, A review of the genus Colias Fabricius, 1807 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) from Qinghai with descriptions of a new subspecies of Colias thrasibulus Fruhstorfer, 1910, pp. 451-489 in Zootaxa 5105 (4) on pages 458-459, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5105.4.1,
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