Capacity value of wind power

Autor: Andrew Keane, Mark O'Malley, Hannele Holttinen, K Dragoon, Chris Dent, Nader Samaan, Michael Milligan, B. Hasche, Lennart Söder, C. D'Annunzio
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Keane, A, Milligan, M, Dent, C J, Hasche, B, D'Annunzio, C, Dragoon, K, Holttinen, H, Samaan, N, Söder, L & O'Malley, M 2011, ' Capacity value of wind power ', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 564-572 .
Keane, A, Milligan, M, Dent, C, Hasche, B, D'Annunzio, C, Dragoon, K, Holttinen, H, Samaan, N, Soder, L & O'Malley, M 2011, ' Capacity Value of Wind Power ', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 564-572 .
IEEE transactions on power systems., 2011, Vol.26(2), pp.564-572 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2062543
Popis: Power systems are planned such that they have adequate generation capacity to meet the load, according to a defined reliability target. The increase in the penetration of wind generation in recent years has led to a number of challenges for the planning and operation of power systems. A key metric for generation system adequacy is the capacity value of generation. The capacity value of a generator is the contribution that a given generator makes to generation system adequacy. The variable and stochastic nature of wind sets it apart from conventional energy sources. As a result, the modeling of wind generation in the same manner as conventional generation for capacity value calculations is inappropriate. In this paper a preferred method for calculation of the capacity value of wind is described and a discussion of the pertinent issues surrounding it is given. Approximate methods for the calculation are also described with their limitations highlighted. The outcome of recent wind capacity value analyses in Europe and North America, along with some new analysis are highlighted with a discussion of relevant issues also given. Science Foundation Ireland Charles Parsons Energy Research Awards Charles Parson au, ti, pe, la, ke, ab - kpw10/11/11
Databáze: OpenAIRE