Monitoring the prices of forest wood assortments in selected countries

Autor: Ščap, Špela, Zafran, Janez
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Acta Silvae et Ligni, vol. 128, pp. 19-31, 2022.
ISSN: 2335-3953
DOI: 10.20315/asetl.128.3
Popis: Spremljanje gibanja cen gozdnih lesnih sortimentov je pomembno za uspešno strateško načrtovanje predvsem ob nenadnih spremembah na trgu lesa ter pri izpolnjevanju trgovinske politike. Prihodek od prodaje lesa je še vedno najpomembnejši kriterij, ki vpliva na aktivnost lastnikov gozdov oziroma upravljalcev pri intenziviranju gospodarjenja z gozdovi. V prispevku so predstavljeni podatkovni viri za cene gozdnih lesnih sortimentov v Sloveniji in izbranih evropskih državah ter opisane glavne značilnosti posameznih metodologij zbiranja cen gozdnih lesnih sortimentov. Po preučitvi posameznih metodologij zbiranja cen gozdnih lesnih sortimentov je bilo ugotovljeno, da se med seboj razlikujejo in je za spremljanje trga gozdnih lesnih sortimentov treba poznati in upoštevati kriterije za opredelitev posameznega ali skupine gozdnih lesnih sortimentov, ki so vključeni v statistiko. Še bolj pa je potrebna previdnost pri primerjavah cen med posameznimi viri, saj je poimenovanje in razvrščanje gozdnih lesnih sortimentov med državami, ponekod tudi med regijami, različno. V prispevku je bila narejena tudi primerjava cen za hlode smreke kakovostnega razreda B med petimi različnimi podatkovnimi viri za Slovenijo, Avstrijo, Nemčijo in Češko. Monitoring the development of forest wood assortment prices is important for successful strategic planning, especially in the event of sudden changes in the wood market and in the implementation of trade policy. Revenue from forest wood assortment sales remains the most important criterion influencing the activity of forest owners or managers in intensifying forest management. The article presents data sources for prices of forest wood assortments in Slovenia and selected European countries and describes the main features of individual methods of collecting roundwood prices. After reviewing each of the methods used to collect prices for forest wood assortments, it was found that they differ from each other. In order to monitor the roundwood market, it is necessary to know and consider the criteria for defining the individual or group of forest wood assortments that are included in the statistics. However, caution should be exercised when comparing prices between individual sources, as the naming and classification of forest wood assortments varies from country to country and, in some places, from region to region. The article also compares prices for quality class B spruce logs among five different data sources for Slovenia, Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE