As within, so without, as above, so below: Common mechanisms can support between- and within-trial category learning dynamics

Autor: Emily R. Weichart, Matthew Galdo, Vladimir M. Sloutsky, Brandon M. Turner
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Psychol Rev
ISSN: 1939-1471
Popis: Two fundamental difficulties when learning novel categories are deciding 1) what information is relevant, and 2) when to use that information. To overcome these difficulties, humans continuously make choices about which dimensions of information to selectively attend to, and monitor their relevance to the current goal. Although previous theories have specified how observers learn to attend to relevant dimensions over time, those theories have largely remained silent about how attention should be allocated on a within-trial basis, which dimensions of information should be sampled, and how the temporal ordering of information sampling influences learning. Here, we use the Adaptive Attention Representation Model (AARM) to demonstrate that a common set of mechanisms can be used to specify: 1) how the distribution of attention is updated between trials over the course of learning; and 2) how attention dynamically shifts among dimensions within-trial. We validate our proposed set of mechanisms by comparing AARM’s predictions to observed behavior across four case studies, which collectively encompass different theoretical aspects of selective attention. We use both eye-tracking and choice response data to provide a stringent test of how attention and decision processes dynamically interact during category learning. Specifically, how does attention to selected stimulus dimensions gives rise to decision dynamics, and in turn, how do decision dynamics influence our continuous choices about which dimensions to attend to via gaze fixations?
Databáze: OpenAIRE