Supplementary File 6: Pulmonary Function Tests and Pulmonary Adverse Events by Treatment Arm. from Phase I and Pharmacologic Study of Olaparib in Combination with High-dose Radiotherapy with and without Concurrent Cisplatin for Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer

Autor: Baukelien van Triest, Marcel Verheij, Neeltje Steeghs, Jan H.M. Schellens, Conchita Vens, Manon Verwijs-Janssen, Dick Pluim, Ferry Lalezari, Adrianus J. de Langen, Erik van Werkhoven, Heike M.U. Peulen, Judi van Diessen, Michel M. van den Heuvel, Rosemarie de Haan
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: This file contains details on pulmonary function changes in diffusion tests (I) and spirometry tests (II), and the incidence of severe pulmonary adverse events by treatment arm (III).
Databáze: OpenAIRE