Infrared Study of the Spin Reorientation Transition and Its Reversal in the Superconducting State in Underdoped Ba1-x KxFe2As2

Autor: Mallett B.?P.?P., Marsik P., Yazdi-Rizi M., Wolf Th., Böhmer A.?E., Hardy F., Meingast C., Munzar D., Bernhard C.
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Physical Review Letters
DOI: 10.25455/wgtn.16879702.v1
Popis: With infrared spectroscopy we investigated the spin-reorientation transition from an orthorhombic antiferromagnetic (o-AF) to a tetragonal AF (t-AF) phase and the reentrance of the o-AF phase in the superconducting state of underdoped Ba1-xKxFe2As2. In agreement with the predicted transition from a single-Q to a double-Q AF structure, we found that a distinct spin density wave develops in the t-AF phase. The pair breaking peak of this spin density wave acquires much more low-energy spectral weight than the one in the o-AF state which indicates that it competes more strongly with superconductivity. We also observed additional phonon modes in the t-AF phase which likely arise from a Brillouin-zone folding that is induced by the double-Q magnetic structure with two Fe sublattices exhibiting different magnitudes of the magnetic moment.
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