Right heart thrombus entrapped in patent foramen ovale with pulmonary embolism in a patient with primary hypercoagulable state

Autor: Arzu Er, Murathan Küçük, Mustafa Serkan Karakaş, Baris Akdemir, Sinan Cemgil Özbek, Cengiz Ermis, Ali Rıza Gülcan, Refik Emre Altekin, Atakan Yanikoglu
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Dicle Medical Journal, Vol 39, Iss 3, Pp 440-444 (2012)
ISSN: 1308-9889
DOI: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.03.0177
Popis: Thromboembolic disease is a potentially severe pathology.When its clinical feature implies a massive occlusionof the arterial pulmonary tree and a cardiac failure is ensued,it can be seriously life threatening even for youngpatients. Less frequent features as right or left atriumthrombosis could increase morbidity and mortality of thisdisease.We report a case of massive right pulmonary embolism(PE) with entrapped thrombus in patent foramen ovaleand right heart failure in a 32- year-old man. Transthoracicechocardiography showed a right atrial thrombusattached to the inter-atrial septum. Following the diagnosisof right heart thrombosis with massive PE, infusion oftissue type plasminogen activator (100 mg in two hours)was administered. Echocardiography performed two daysafter thrombolysis showed a significant decrease in theright ventricular size and complete lysis of the thrombusin the right heart. By genetic examination, he proved tohave factor V ’Leiden’ gene and two thrombophilia genes,all of which were positive in the heterozygous state. Hehad also a high serum homocysteine.Key words: pulmonary embolism, hypercoagulable state,thrombolytic therapy, patent foramen ovale
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