Corpus Callosum and Cerebellum Anomaly in a Puppy

Autor: Kaplan Oguzhan, Ipek Volkan, Cinar Aynur
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Acta Veterinaria-Beograd
Acta Veterinaria, Vol 70, Iss 4, Pp 526-532 (2020)
Popis: This paper is aimed to present a corpus callosum and cerebellar anomaly with pathological findings in a 40-day-old, male, Golden Retriever puppy. It was stated that the dog rapidly deteriorated and died. On necropsy, after opening the skull, it was observed that the brain and cerebellum hemispheres were separated. In the detailed macroscopic examination, it was observed that the corpus callosum, interthalamic connections, which connect the brain hemispheres, were completely separated from each other. It was observed that the corpus callosum was more prominent in the right hemisphere but the anatomical structures of the left hemisphere were not evident. It was also observed that the hemispheres of the cerebellum were almost completely separated from the vermis region. It has been observed that brain connections can be achieved only by attachment between the midbrain and pons and continuing with the pons. Microscopic examination revealed no inflammatory reactions in the brain and cerebellum. Corpus callosum and cerebellar vermis anomalies in dogs have been reported before. However, split brain syndrome characterized by the loss of almost all connections of the brain and cerebellum in such severity that was observed in this case has not been previously reported. Cilj studije je bio da predstavi anomaliju Corpus callosum i cerebeluma zajedno sa patološkim nalazom kod šteneta starosti 40 dana, rase zlatni Retriver. Prvi nalaz je bio da je pas brzo slabio i ubrzo uginuo. Prilikom obdukcije, posle otvaranja lobanje, uočeno je da su hemisfere velikog mozga i cerebeluma bile odvojene. Detaljnom makroskopskom analizom, uočeno je da su Corpus callosum, intertalamične veze koje povezuju hemisfere mozga, potpuno odvojene jedna od druge. Zapaženo je da je Corpus callosum naglašen u okviru desne hemisfere, ali i da se anatomske strukture u okviru leve hemisfere ne uočavaju. Isto tako su hemisfere cerebeluma bile skoro potpuno razdvojene od regiona medijalnog lobusa. Uočeno je da su veze u okviru mozga ostvarene samo prihvatanjem između srednjeg mozga i ponsa uz nastavak duž pons-a. Mikroskopskim pregledom nisu uočene bilo kakve zapaljenske reakcije u mozgu i u cerebelumu. U literaturi su opisane anomalije Corpus callosum-a i srednjeg lobusa cerebeluma kod pasa. Međutim, do sada nije opisan u takvom obimu sindrom podeljenosti mozga, koji se karakteriše gubitkom povezanosti segmenata mozga i cerebeluma.
Databáze: OpenAIRE