Sensitivity of the phage and complementary strands of the replicative form of phage phi X 174 deoxyribonucleic acid to ultra-violet light

Autor: Iliashenko Bn
Rok vydání: 1966
Zdroj: Nature. 211(5047)
ISSN: 0028-0836
Popis: PHOTOPRODUCTS of pyrimidines are known to play an important part in the inactivation of nucleic acids by ultra-violet light. The replicative form (RF) of phage φ X 174 DNA is a convenient material to use for an investigation of the dependence of DNA ultra-violet sensitivity on base composition. The properties of both strands of RF DNA are similar, yet their nucleotide composition differs: the complementary strand contains 8.2 per cent less thymine and 5.6 per cent more cytosine than the phage strand1,2. The present investigation was undertaken to compare the ultra-violet inactivation of the infectivity of both chains of RF φ X 174 DNA.
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